Common Entrance (CE) | Exam Centre Registration Form

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The Spring 2025 CE 13+ session is now open. Schools can register their candidates for the exam through the Examinations and Qualifications Registration Area.

All pupils taking CE exams must do so at a registered and approved examination centre. An exam centre for CE could be:

– Current school: a UK prep school, maintained primary or junior school or international prep or junior school

– Senior School: if the pupil is sitting the test at one of the schools to which they have applied

– Other educational and governmental venue: an approved educational or governmental independent exam venue, known as a ‘non-school venue’, such as a British Council

If your school or non-school venue would like to act as an exam centre for CE, please complete the form below. A member of the Qualifications & Delivery Team will then contact you to discuss your next steps.

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