1. Before you start… Discuss your child’s SEND status with the senior school they are applying to. This must be done before you complete registration through the Guardian Portal – the senior school must have been informed about a child’s SEND requirements in advance of registration.
2. Check evidence requirements… Ask the senior school what documents are required as evidence of your child’s ‘normal ways of working’ and will need to be submitted through the ISEB Pre-Tests Guardian Portal.
3. Seek evidence from your child’s current school… Speak to your child’s current school to confirm what access arrangements you should request and provide evidence for.
4. Register for a Guardian Portal account and create an applicant profile for your child… Register for an account on the Pre-Tests Guardian Portal, and then create an Applicant Profile for your child in your account.
5. Upload your SEND evidence… Does your child have SEND? Upload the evidence documents the senior school requested and any notes about the documents. You must have spoken to the senior school about your child’s SEND status prior to uploading the documents in the Guardian Portal. You can return to this section later if you are not yet ready to complete it, but you must upload your evidence before you submit your child’s Applicant Profile and the invigilation centre approves the request.
6. Select which access requirements your child requires… Select either, or both, of the access arrangements options presented to you. These will be: ‘Request 25% Extra Time’ and ‘Request Other Adjustments’. Other adjustments can include a reader, separate room, or a prompt.
7. Complete additional information and select your invigilation centre… Parents/guardians should select their chosen invigilation centre and add any additional information, such as your SENCO’s name and contact details.
8. Submit your child’s applicant profile… Complete registration in the Guardian Portal. Please note that once you have submitted your child’s Applicant Profile and it has been approved by the invigilation centre there will be a limit on the changes you can make, including to SEND evidence and information. If you require your child’s SEND status to be reset, either to add further evidence or review existing documentation, you must contact ISEB to do so.
9. Send your child’s Applicant ID to the senior school… You must send your child’s Applicant ID number to the senior schools they are applying for directly. Check with your senior school about where to send this.
When you submit your child’s applicant profile, the invigilation centre you have chosen will review the information provided and ‘approve’ the applicant. By ‘approving’ the applicant, the invigilation centre is agreeing to the test arrangements requested. Requests for extra time are automatically built into the test code, and no further action will be required. Any other access arrangements or requests must be facilitated by your chosen invigilation centre.
A senior school can appeal a decision to accept or reject access arrangements by the invigilation centre, and parents/guardians will be notified if an appeal of arrangements is requested by the senior school.
The Pre-Tests SEND Process: A Step-by-Step Guide
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