A pupil delivers her iPQ presentation. Hear more about the iPQ in the Independent Schools Magazine November/December edition.
Teachers, Schools, iPQ 29 November 2022

Read about the iPQ in the Independent Schools Magazine

Has your copy of Independent Schools Magazine arrived in the staffroom? ISEB has sponsored this month’s edition so headteachers and subject leads can read more about how enquiry-led independent projects can transform pupil engagement at their schools.

You can learn about the iPQ in the Independent Schools Magazine this month. You’ll find our article on page 12 with lots of iPQ highlights in our advertisement on page 13.

The iPQ is open for entries from September to June each school year, and we already have exciting projects from Year 7 and 8 pupils across the country. Future-focused heads are using the iPQ to develop pupils’ business-ready skills like leadership and presenting as well as starting their journey towards higher-level academic research and referencing. All this is achieved through a 15-20 hour independent pupil-led project.

In some schools, Subject Leads are using the iPQ framework to replace an hour per week across a term. This is a brilliant way to support pupils to explore an aspect of their subject that inspires them, with impressive results. Elsewhere, Cocurricular Leads and Librarians are using the iPQ to create 4-week intensive projects. These allow scholars and post-exam pupils to explore their personal interests in pursuit of academic development. In each school, the feedback is resounding: “if schools haven’t explored the iPQ, they really should.” (Ross Borthwick, Cottesmore)

We hope you enjoy reading about the iPQ in the Independent Schools Magazine. You can also explore additional resources like case studies and fact sheets on our website.

We invite you to email us if you would like to know more about using the iPQ at your school enquiries@iseb.co.uk

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